Stellar Ministries

Stellar Ministries

Stellar Ministries


Churches, People, and Dynamic Ministries that shine like a star!

Stellar Ministries is not affiliated with any church, individual person, or ministry but rather it is a blog that features ministries that are shining brightly in their respective ministry

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24 / 7 Prayer Line

Stellar Ministries

Stellar Ministries showcases churches that shine like a star in the twilight of the night.  Stars have always been mentioned in the Bible.  In the Gospels, the Bible tells us of the three wise men that followed the star to Bethlehem so they could worship Jesus Christ!  The Bible says in Matt 2:10, “When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.”  Please take time to look through the site and see all the excellent ministries that this site has noticed.  Stellar Ministries has taken particular notice of House of Prayer Church as a church that shines amidst the darkness of this world! 

Stellar Ministries
Assembly of Prayer Christian Church


Check out some stellar churches that are shining as bright as a star in their respective ministry

24 / 7 Prayer Line

Dynamic Ministries

Check out some of the most dynamic ministries that are thinking outside of the traditional box and have a tremendous impact!

Stellar Ministries
Stellar Ministries


Learn more about some stellar people that are mighty witnesses of the Gospel.  There passion and resolve shine as bright as the stars of heaven

Stellar Ministries Contact Section

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Picture Gallery

Check out great pictures of stellar churches, people, and dynamic ministries that shine brightly!

Assembly of Prayer Christian Church
Assembly of Prayer Christian Church

Stellar Ministries Blog Articles

Read excellent, inspirational, and encouraging articles!