Stellar Ministries

Saddleback Church

Stellar Ministries
Stellar Ministries

Stellar ministries is pleased to feature the Saddleback Church located in Southern California.  Pastor Rick Warren started the church, and it has grown throughout the years.  It is a vibrant church where everyone is welcome and feels at home.  Though it is a large church, Saddleback Church has a wonderful small group ministry that consists of many different categories, including married couples, singles, age-appropriate groups, men, women, and several other small groups.


Saddleback Church is a place where you can discover your life’s purpose and learn how to live a life that has a lasting impact.  The Saddleback community has live music, inspiring messages, and fun children’s programs.  Saddleback Church is one big family where many people find authentic friendships and take steps in their walk with God.  The Bible says in 1Thess 5:11, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” At Saddleback, you find people edifying one another by the Christian principles of the Bible.  There are opportunities for everyone to get involved, grow in faith, and become more than a member but a minister working and helping our fellow man. 


Saddleback Church has many various ways where people can connect with the church.  They can hear the teaching and preaching seminars highlighting biblical principles that teach us how to live.  Pastor Rick Warren is the author of the Purpose Driven Life, and he, along with his ministerial staff, implement these principles to the church members.  There are many classes that teach the dynamics of Christian living.   There is something for everyone at Saddleback Church. 


2Pet 3:17 to 18 NIV “Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position.  But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To him be glory both now and forever!  Amen.”