Stellar Ministries

Stellar Ministries

Stellar Ministries


Churches, People, and Dynamic Ministries that shine like a star!

Stellar Ministries is not affiliated with any church, individual person, or ministry but rather it is a blog that features ministries that are shining brightly in their respective ministry

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Stellar ministries feature excellent churches that people love and have fantastic reviews.  Please browse through the different articles, webpages, pictures, and other great information and learn more about the stellar churches that shine as bright as stars.

Assembly of Prayer Christian Church
Assembly of Prayer Christian Church

Assembly of Prayer

Take a look at this awesome church that is working for the Kingdom!

Radiant Church in Tampa FL

Laboring in the Sunshine State

Stellar Ministries

House of Prayer Church

Check out this incredible church with great ministries 

Assembly of Prayer Christian Church

Lenaxa Church

Check out this church in Kansas

Assembly of Prayer Christian Church

Assembly of Prayer Christian Church

Stellar Ministries

Jubilee Christian Church

Stellar Ministries

Saddleback Church

Take a look at this influential church in Southern California


Read more about how HOPCC or House of Prayer Christian Church’s is modeled after the Book of Acts

Assembly of Prayer Christian Church

Flatirons Church

Take a look at the church laboring in the Denver City area. 

Stellar Ministries
Assembly of Prayer Christian Church

House of Prayer Christian Church 

Check out an insightful article of House of Prayer is all about!

Stellar Ministries

Cleveland Christian Church 

Check out this church in the Cleveland, Ohio area

House of Prayer Christian Church St Louis MO

A Wonderful Ministry working for the Lord in the St Louis, MO community

New Seasons Church Sacramento California

Take time to read about this dynamic church in California.