Stellar Ministries

Stellar Ministries

Stellar Ministries


Churches, People, and Dynamic Ministries that shine like a star!

Stellar Ministries is not affiliated with any church, individual person, or ministry but rather it is a blog that features ministries that are shining brightly in their respective ministry

Call one of the Prayer Lines found below.  Prayer Warriors are waiting for your prayer request!

24 / 7 Prayer Line

International Conference Call Meetings

Join our conference calls and experience the blessings of prayer, testimonies, and Christian fellowship!  Interpreters will be provided for multiple languages!

Dynamic Ministries

Dynamic ministries

Stellar ministries is pleased to feature Dynamic ministries. There are so many ministries that don’t fit in the box and are outside of what people call the norm, but they are drawing people closer to God in various ways.  Please take time to explore these dynamic ministries that are working for the kingdom of God!

Stellar Ministries
Stellar Ministries

Power Team

Take a look at the incredible evangelical team of power weight lifters and martial artists.

Surfers for Jesus

Catch a wave with Surfers for Jesus!

Stellar Ministries

Christian Skaters

Take a look at this dynamic ministry for skaters!

Truckstop Prayer Ministry

Read more about the truck stop prayer chapels!

Bikers for Christ Motorcycle Ministry

Take time to read about Bikers for Christ!

"Silence is Golden" by geowulf is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Cross the Sky Ministries

Take a look at this unique ministry!