On Fire Missions

Stellar Ministries

Stellar Ministries


Churches, People, and Dynamic Ministries that shine like a star!

Stellar Ministries is not affiliated with any church, individual person, or ministry but rather it is a blog that features ministries that are shining brightly in their respective ministry

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Assembly of Prayer

Assembly of Prayer Christian Church
Assembly of Prayer Christian Church
Assembly of Prayer Christian Church
Assembly of Prayer Christian Church

Assembly of Prayer Christian Church

Assembly of Prayer Christian Church is a diverse church of all nations. People from all nations and ethnicities are welcomes there. Many have experienced the miraculous work of salvation in their lives due to the unbiased and inspirational preaching and teaching of God’s Word. The testimonies of the members are overwhelming! There have been so many good reports on how the church has helped families; marriages have been a blessing overall.  Stellar Ministries is entrusted to report on how this outstanding church has been transformative to the lives of many all over the world.


The wonderful testimonies of the members of Assembly of Prayer Christian Churches are uplifting and encouraging. People all across the country have testimonies of how they have been delivered from drugs, alcohol, suicidal intentions, living on the streets, and so many other things that were destined to destroy their lives. Broken marriages have been restored and families united. Many are thankful for the tremendous help and support and the counseling and guidance received from the ministers. The love and compassion felt is unimaginable! People everywhere know that this is a real church. Caring for and helping others has always been a priority, as well as a genuine burden to see souls saved to the glory of God. As the church endeavors to bring the Gospel in its fulness, countless souls have accepted Jesus and their Lord and Saviour and are serving Him today! In 2 Corinthians 5:17 (LBT), we read: “When someone becomes a Christian he becomes a brand new person inside. He is not the same anymore. A new life has begun.” So many have been able to attest to the validity of this scripture and have begun to live this new life in Christ! Stellar Ministries commends Assembly of Prayer Christian Churches for their dependability in reaching out to the lost and

for being transformative and impactful in the lives of people all over the country.

Uniting Marriages

Assembly of Prayer Christian Church has been tremendous in their support for uniting marriages. Marriage at times can be difficult and challenging, and many couples turn to the church for guidance. This exemplary church has been there to show these couples what God desires for marriages in the scriptures and how each can do their part. They have also been there to pray for these couples and encourage them to pray together. Through prayer and the scriptures, many of these marriages have been restored to the glory of God. In Mark 10:9 (NIV), we read: “Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate…Marriage is sacred and honorable to God, and it was never God’s intention for divorce. Marriages all across America continue to be tom apart because there is no one to help. No one to exemplify how marriage is supposed to be. The Bible presents marriage as being built upon charitable endeavors and on real genuine love. This love can stem from none other than God Himself, for God is love. In conclusion, in the Word of God, there is always a solution to whatever problems couples face, and this church has been instrumental in helping and guiding these couples through these challenging times. Stellar Ministries gives Assembly of Prayer Christian Church a star for its tremendous support in helping unite marriages all across America.

Inspirational Preaching

Assembly of Prayer Christian Churches endeavors to encourage souls to answer the call of God in their lives through the inspirational preaching of God’s Word. For some, the call is to be saved and give their life to Christ simply. For others, the call may be to preach, teach or even be a missionary on a foreign field. Whatever the call may be, this church continues to spark a fire in the hearts of men and women, eager to answer the call.

Furthermore, inspirational preaching has been essential to the spiritual growth and development of the members. Souls are being grounded upon the truth of the scriptures and continue to be fruitful in the fulfillment of God’s Word. Thus, many have already been established and have gone on to do the work of the Lord. Last, of all, the inspirational preaching has been rendered a heavy burden for the lost. The lost must be reached, but who will go? In Luke 10:2 (NIV), we read: “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest field, therefore, to send out workers into the harvest field.” The preaching has helped many realize that they are to be the laborers in the harvest fields and that the Lord needs them. Many have heeded to the call and continue to be a witness in the harvest fields!


This ardent zeal is precisely what is needed in churches today. This is what Stellar Ministries is all about. These strong testimonies, united marriages, and the power of inspirational preaching has spoken to us, and we commend Assembly of Prayer Christian Church for being an answer to the lives of so many today. The hope and encouragement that this church has brought to their communities nationwide has been such a blessing! The team here at Stellar Ministries praises Assembly of Prayer Christian Church for fulfilling God’s plan and work in the lives of so many.