On Fire Missions

Stellar Ministries

Stellar Ministries


Churches, People, and Dynamic Ministries that shine like a star!

Stellar Ministries is not affiliated with any church, individual person, or ministry but rather it is a blog that features ministries that are shining brightly in their respective ministry

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CJ Vargas of House of Prayer Christian Church

Rev Vargas playing at an event for the Homeless
Rev Vargas feeding the homeless in Chicago, IL
House of Prayer missionaries in El Salvador
CJ Vargas on a HOPCC missionary trip to Washington DC

CJ Vargas of House of Prayer Christian Church, also known as Assembly of Prayer Christian Church Hephzibah, Georgia, is glad to be part of a church that preaches and teaches the Bible.  It is a church full of joy, hope, and strength that imparts a strong foundation in scriptures and practical everyday living to each of its members.

CJ Vargas of House of Prayer Christian Church Testimony

CJ Vargas of House of Prayer Christian Church has quite an impressive testimony.  As a young man torn between two pathways, he chose the right path for his life by giving his life to Jesus Christ, the one who died on the Cross for him.  Moreover, God has blessed him abundantly.  He graduated with excellent grades and received his high school diploma from Heritage Home School Academy in Hinesville, Ga, formerly known as House of Prayer Day School.  C.J. scored very high on his SAT.  He is happily married to Alexandrite Vargas.  He and his wife have chosen to give their lives to ministering to those in need at Assembly of Prayer Hephzibah, GA.  Both give their time to helping the church in all the ways and capacities that they are able to.  There is a food bank there at the church that they help with, and it serves to feed many people in the community.  CJ Vargas of HOPCC also spends time in the city witnessing to those in need and encouraging them to come to Christ.

CJ Vargas is happy to be a part of the Assembly of Prayer Christian Church.  He has testified many times about how thankful he is to have received the help, instruction, and direction as a young man that turned his life around and gave it to Jesus Christ.  He has witnessed to many young men and women, inspiring them to come and join him in this victorious walk with Christ.  Many of them really appreciate hearing the testimony from someone their age or close to their age that they can relate to.

It is very plain to see how much C.J. Vargas of House of Prayer Christian Church has grown in his faith and his love for God and others over the years.  He has gone through many tests and trials and proven that he will not bow out in the face of adversity, nor will he flinch when his faith is challenged.  It is evident that he is determined to make it to heaven no matter what it takes to get there.

1 Timothy 6:11-12 NIV

But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.  Fight the good fight of the faith.  Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.