Sarah Derby of House of Prayer Christian Church is thankful to be a part of the church’s powerful ministry. House of Prayer Christian Church or otherwise known by its acronym HOPCC is a nondenominational Christian church that adheres to the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is a full Gospel Church that believes in the old-time way of holiness unto the Lord.
Sarah Derby of HOPCC Testimony
Sarah Derby of House of Prayer Christian Church was born in Sitka, Alaska. Sarah, from a young age, had a yearning to be a Christian missionary. As a teenager, she went on a church missionary trip to Venezuela. And later decided to get a degree in education which would equip her to be a missionary for Christ. On Sarah Derby of HOPCC spiritual pathway, she moved to Washington state in her early 20s. While in Washington, Sarah started attending a Christian church and subsequently was born again by the spirit of God. While in Washington, she married Jeff Derby of House of Prayer and accepted the call into Christian ministry. Moreover, Jeff and Sarah in 2004 moved to Georgia and became part of House of Prayer Christian Church Hinesville, GA.
Sarah Derby of HOPCC Missionary Trips
Sarah Derby of House of Prayer Christian Church has been on several HOPCC missionary trips. The first trip that she went on was to Nigeria, Africa. While in Ibadan, Nigeria, Sarah Derby of HOPCC made lifelong friends with wonderful Christian women in that city. To this day, Sarah Derby has continued to pray, support, fellowship, and give charitable donations to Christians in this West African nation of Nigeria. After traveling to Africa, Sarah Derby of HOPCC has traveled to India, Israel, England, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Mexico, and Puerto Rico.
Sarah Derby of House of Prayer Christian Church has a servant’s heart and is willing and ready to help souls get closer to God. Sarah Derby of HOPCC has labored together with her husband, Jeff Derby of HOPCC. They have become a missionary team that wants to serve much like “Aquilla and Priscilla” that were traveling companions to the apostle Paul in the New Testament. Rom 16:3 Greet Priscilla and Aquila my helpers in Christ Jesus: