Stellar Ministries

Stellar Ministries

Stellar Ministries


Churches, People, and Dynamic Ministries that shine like a star!

Stellar Ministries is not affiliated with any church, individual person, or ministry but rather it is a blog that features ministries that are shining brightly in their respective ministry

Call one of the Prayer Lines found below.  Prayer Warriors are waiting for your prayer request!

24 / 7 Prayer Line

International Conference Call Meetings

Join our conference calls and experience the blessings of prayer, testimonies, and Christian fellowship!  Interpreters will be provided for multiple languages!

Welcome to Stellar Ministries!  This is a site that features stellar ministries that shine like a star!  The Bible says in Daniel 12:3, “Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.”  Everyone enjoys the brightness of the star shining in the twilight skies.”  Moreover, Stellar Ministries features churches and ministries that shine with love, compassion, and zeal!  Please note that Stellar Ministries is not affiliated with any church or religious organization but is just a site by online virtual Christians that want to promote stellar ministries!  If you have any questions or comments, please contact us and send us an email. Thank you for visiting Stellar Ministries!